Player Code of Conduct

Always play to the best of your ability and for the benefit of my team. 

Be prepared for games and practices with proper equipment and attitude.

Respect my team-mates, other players, referees, coaches and everyone involved in the game.

Play by the rules, as directed by the coaches and referees and promote sportsmanship.

Be gracious in victory and defeat by acknowledging the other team and referee at the end of the game. 

Remember winning is not everything - having fun, playing fair, improving your skills, making friends and doing your best are all important.

Don’t take part in any form of bullying or use of inappropriate words/gestures to anyone at all times.

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

We all have responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment in which children can learn and enjoy the game.

Never engage in or tolerate any offensive or abusive behaviours, always show respect for all players, all coaches, all officials and all spectators at all times.

Let the coach do the job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do. Be positive and supportive of your child and the team.

Help our young players focus on development/performance and not results by applauding good plays and encouraging them when they make mistakes.

Teach you child that doing one best thing is as important as winning so that your child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game and offer praise for competing fairly and doing their best.

Make sure that your child arrives for practices and games at the time designated by the coach, ready to play.

Coach Code of Conduct

Promote and encourage a positive and enjoyable environment at all times and be constructive while instructing players at practice and games.

Communicate with players and parents with respect and dignity. Any use of foul language or gestures will not be tolerated.

Be a good role model at all times and show respect for players, officials, opponents, fellow coaches, spectators and the game.

Remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves by ensuring that all players receive equal instruction and support.

Teach your players to play fairly and to respect the rules, themselves, referees, opponents, and spectators.

Inform parents/guardians of any injuries their child may have suffered during practice or game.